Symfony Bundle

The symfony bundle integrates php-task into your symfony application.


Additional features which are implemented in this bundle.

  • Handler discovery (over task.handler-tag)
  • Different run possibilities
  • Different commands to manage and debug commands
  • Persist tasks and executions in database
  • Run statistics foreach execution of tasks
  • Predefined system-tasks
  • Locking mechanism to avoid concurrency problems


composer require php-task/task-bundle 1.0.x-dev


There are currently two ways to run tasks.

Event: kernel.terminate

The tasks will automatically executed after sending the response.


Internally, the HttpKernel makes use of the fastcgi_finish_request PHP function. This means that at the moment, only the PHP FPM server API is able to send a response to the client while the server’s PHP process still performs some tasks. With all other server APIs, listeners to kernel.terminate are still executed, but the response is not sent to the client until they are all completed.


The bundle provides a command to run all taks which are scheduled before run time. This command can be called by a cronjob which enables recurring tasks.

app/console task:run


This option only works if you enable the storage in doctrine which will persist your tasks in a table-structure.


System-tasks can be used to predefine tasks for deployment. The developer can define which handler will be called (with an cron_expression and a workload). This tasks can be scheduled with the following command.

            enabled:              true
            handler_class:        'AppBundle\Handler\TestHandler'
            cron_expression:      '@daily'
bin/console task:schedule:system-tasks

Already scheduled system-tasks can be disabled in the configuration. But bigger changes like changing the handler_class are currently not supported.

After addition or changing in the config you have to run the command again to be sure that the task-table will be updated.


Locking is used to avoid concurrency problems when multiple task-runners run at the same time (see Locking). This feature has to be enabled and will have multiple different storages in the future.

Currently only file storage is implemented and usable.

Configuration Reference